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This will be the third small edition I have made so far and I must say, If I was hesitant about making editions at first, I am not anymore. They are extremely satisfying to make and there is something about seeing your work in multiples that is very pleasurable, Not to mention how it changes the pacing of actually making a particular design.  

This one was a bit more ambitious than the first two editions as far as size and time investment. The center piece is Bronze with Stainless steel ends. The inserts are aluminum and copper and the whole thing sits on a Stainless base. 
The starting point for this work was kind of a revisiting of a very early design element I used many years ago while I was still working out the visual language of these objects. At the time I had a good "hook" (for lack of a better term), but not the proper experience yet to execute it in an elegant manner such as this. Which is not to say the original piece isn't important, just that there is nothing wrong with taking a second swing at something good and ending up with a different result.

I currently have four of these, I had planned on a slightly larger set, but I am balancing time and resources so I may revisit this depending on interest and time. I am thinking I may actually try and make a larger version based on the same proportions and elements, but more elaborate in ways that exploit the larger format. I kind of like the idea of doing different approaches to the same design based on scale, so we will see if and how that unfolds.

Some real world shots. This thing has great balance in your hand. 

As usual, comments are welcome.