

Machine art, digital fabrication, Metal Sculpture

I have a couple of gems to show off this month everybody. 
It took me a little longer than I had anticipated to finish these because of reasons I will explain further down. But here they are, all shiny and new. 

Machine art, digital fabrication, Metal Sculpture

Dimensions on these are 5.5" long and approximately 2.5" wide/deep.

Machine art, digital fabrication, Metal Sculpture

Materials are a mixture of aluminum, stainless steel, bronze and copper. 

Machine art, digital fabrication, Metal Sculpture

Each one rests on a removable stand. I went through many iterations for stands on this piece. I wanted a stand that could hold the work at a 45 degree angle, but nothing too complicated so as not to distract from the actual objects. 

I realized I would need something that would be more or less molded to the contours of the interior geometry of the work without marring the finish. So I turned to my 3D printer to come up with a solution, as plastic would be the most appropriate material for that particular job. 

The printed piece is the black part you see on the stand in the image above, it is a little more crude than the rest of the work, print lines are very apparent in person. But rather than try and refinish the plastic to something smoother, I chose to leave it exactly how it came out of my printer, a little rough, and very obvious that it is a 3D print. I figure, this is where my current technology is when it comes to this process and I think, as I most often do, it is best to embrace your process rather than fight it. It does not distract from the work at all, especially when mounted, so I am happy to incorporate my first bit of 3D printed material into one of my works. 

Here are the pieces in their storage case, I thought they look really nice this way, so I snapped a quick pic.

This is an image of one of the earlier iterations for the stands. Originally I had intended to display the works in a vertical orientation like this, but after shooting some test images, it just didn't feel right, It felt too stiff. I had thought I was finished with the pieces, but it turns out I was wrong. 

The stands interfered with the composition too much and although I sort of liked the split detail on them, they did not add enough to make it worth keeping. So I went back to the drawing board and worked up the new stands you see in the finish shots. They are simpler than these, but show off the form much better. I thought it interesting enough however to share this first attempt. 

one more shot for scale, they have good weight to them like many of my smaller works. 

In other news, my Ja 552354454 piece will be on display in NYC in Chelsea starting this weak at the Viridian Gallery. 

548 W 28th St, suite 632, NY NY 10001
Reception is this Thursday Oct 23rd from 6-8

Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12-6:00pm

I also have a piece in the MoSAIC Festival. It is a traveling math and art conference. It will be at the Columbia secondary school this weekend

425 W 123rd St between Amsterdam & Morningside Ave.
New York, NY 10027

As always, Comments are welcome.