
CL863624433722235525, a new work and Some good news

So I have been out of the shop for a number of weeks. My show in New York, combined with a number of other obligations and unexpected distractions has slowed me down and cost me a few weeks in the shop. But I finally managed to steel away some time and make this little fellow to get things moving again.

This is a smaller format, one of a kind piece measuring in at 4"x4"x4". I have a few smaller designs to work out over the weeks and this should be the first of three I intend to do. The body is solid Stainless steel and the details are Bronze and Brass.

In Other News
For those of you I have spoken to over the years, you know that in order to make my work, I have been juggling a full time day job, while maintaining a very demanding schedule in my work shop during my off time. Dedicating between 25-30 hours a week on my Sculpture, while still pulling a 40 hour week at my boring old day job. It has been the only way to pay for this financially demanding type of work and I have done it happily for the opportunity to make the work that I love.

Well thanks to all of your support and patronage, I am pleased to inform that I have finally achieved, how ever modest, a high enough level of financial success to quit my 9 to 5 and dedicate my time solely to making Sculpture, A personal goal of mine that I have carried for quite some time. I am very excited at the prospect of having 70 hours a week to work on my Sculpture, as apposed to the 40-30 split I have been doing for nearly a decade. So look forward to a more steady stream of works in the future and a happier Sculptor behind the work. Thank you to everyone who has purchased work, I know you do not do it out of charity, but out of a desire to collect the things that pop out of my mind, But I am grateful non the less. Things continue to happen all the time that are very positive and encouraging. More in the coming weeks as I have some machine building projects and new work in the pipeline.